Under the distant love theme - the troubadours' "amor de lonh" - this new program is made up of songs, motets and conductus from the 13th century. Trouveres' profane songs - in oïl language (old French)- as well as sacred polyphonies in latin will be choosen for their musical and litterary qualities, and will highlight the melodic and poetic themes movement in their variations, borrowing, imitations. The listener will recognize some themes, some texts and will be moved by them while discovering variations over voice or instrumental versions...
Ensemble Alla francescaBrigitte Lesne / voice, harp, percussions
Vivabiancaluna Biffi / voice, fiddle
Christel Boiron / voice
Lior Leibovici / voice
Nolwenn Le Guern / fiddle
Conceived by Brigitte Lesne, the researches above the musical corpus are linked to her work in partnership with Anne Ibos-Augé (PhD in musicology) and Marie-Geneviève Grossel (PhD in litterature and human sciences).
Their common reflections will become a paper untitled " Word, note and copist: overview of different versions of songs, conductus and motets at the 12th and 13th centuries" in the congress "Who says tradition says mistake?" Mistakes in the sung corpus from the Middle Age and Renaissance (first French-Italian congress " Philology and musicology") taking place in May 2017 in the South of France.